Android Utililty Methods File Exist

List of utility methods to do File Exist


The list of methods to do File Exist are organized into topic(s).


FileisFileExist(String filepath)
is File Exist
File mfile = new File(filepath);
if (mfile.exists())
    return mfile;
    return null;
FileisFileNotExist(String filepath)
is File Not Exist
File mfile = new File(filepath);
if (mfile.exists())
    return null;
    return mfile;
booleandoesFileExist(String paramString)
does File Exist
boolean bool1 = false;
if (paramString != null) {
    File localFile = new File(paramString);
    boolean bool2 = localFile.exists();
    bool1 = false;
    if (bool2) {
        boolean bool3 = localFile.canRead();
        bool1 = false;