Android Utililty Methods GB2312 to String Convert

List of utility methods to do GB2312 to String Convert


The list of methods to do GB2312 to String Convert are organized into topic(s).


Stringgb2312ToString(byte[] b)
gb To String
return gb2312ToString(b, 0, b.length);
Stringgb2312ToString(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
gb To String
byte[] buf = new byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
    if (b[offset + i * 2] != '\0') {
        buf[i * 2] = (byte) (b[offset + i * 2] | 0x80);
        buf[i * 2 + 1] = (byte) b[offset + i * 2 + 1];
    } else {
        buf[i * 2] = '\0';
        buf[i * 2 + 1] = '\0';