Android Utililty Methods JSON Remove

List of utility methods to do JSON Remove


The list of methods to do JSON Remove are organized into topic(s).


StringremoveJsonPoint(String json, String... points)
remove Json Point
String result = json;
int len = points.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    int index = json.indexOf("\"" + points[i] + "\"");
    result = json.substring(0, index); 
    int index2 = json.indexOf("\",", index);
    result += json.substring(index2 + 2); 
    json = result;
Stringreplace(String str, JSONObject replacementMap)
Matcher matcher = REPLACE_PATTERN.matcher(str);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
    Object replacement = replacementMap.opt(;
    builder.append(str.substring(i, matcher.start() == 0 ? 0
            : matcher.start() + 1));
    builder.append(replacement != null ? replacement : "");