Android Long Format toZeroPaddedString(long value, int precision, int maxSize)

Here you can find the source of toZeroPaddedString(long value, int precision, int maxSize)


If necessary, adds zeros to the beginning of a value so that the total length matches the given precision, otherwise trims the right digits.


Open Source License


public static String toZeroPaddedString(long value, int precision,
        int maxSize) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

public class Main {
    /**//  w w  w  .ja v  a 2 s.  c  om
     * If necessary, adds zeros to the beginning of a value so that the total
     * length matches the given precision, otherwise trims the right digits.
     * Then if maxSize is smaller than precision, trims the right digits to
     * maxSize. Negative values are treated as positive
    public static String toZeroPaddedString(long value, int precision,
            int maxSize) {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        if (value < 0) {
            value = -value;

        String s = Long.toString(value);

        if (s.length() > precision) {
            s = s.substring(precision);

        for (int i = s.length(); i < precision; i++) {


        if (maxSize < precision) {

        return sb.toString();


  1. splitLongs(String str)
  2. convert2Percent(long readsize, long totalsize)
  3. formatSize(long value)
  4. formatSpaceSize(long file_size)