Android Milliliter to Pint Convert mlToPint(Double vol_ml)

Here you can find the source of mlToPint(Double vol_ml)


ml To Pint


public static Double mlToPint(Double vol_ml) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Main {
    private static DecimalFormat df0 = new DecimalFormat("0");

    public static String mlToPint(String vol_ml) {
        double vol = Double.parseDouble(vol_ml);
        return df0.format((vol * 0.0338140225589) / 16);
    }// www  .j ava  2  s  .c o  m

    public static Double mlToPint(Double vol_ml) {
        return (vol_ml * 0.0338140225589) / 16;


  1. mlToPint(String vol_ml)