Android Animation Translate Animation

Android examples for Animation:Translate Animation


Click the following links for the tutorial for Animation and Translate Animation.

  1. start Translate Animation Expand
  2. start Translate Animation Shrink
  3. translate the view with Animation
  4. Create Translate Animation
  5. animation Translate
  6. translate Y in Animation
  7. Create translate Animation and set duration
  8. get Translate X from 0 to 100 Animation

  9. get Translate X from 100 To 0 Animation
  10. create Hidden Translate Animation
  11. create Show Translate Animation
  12. create Show Translate Animation On X
  13. create Translate In Animation
  14. create Translate Out Animation
  15. alpha Translate Animation
  16. set Translate Animation to a View

  17. translate effect Animation
  18. animation Slide with TranslateAnimation
  19. get Translate Animation from Parameter passed in
  20. animate Translate X And Hide
  21. animate Translate X
  22. Translate a view to the specified translation values, and animate the translations to 0.
  23. get Translation Animation
  24. Animates the view by translating the view in the x direction by the specified x value using the given duration.
  25. Animates the view by translating the view in the x direction to the specified x value using the given duration.
  26. Animates the view by translating the view in the y direction by the specified y value using the given duration.
  27. Animates the view by translating the view in the y direction to the specified y value using the given duration.
  28. Use ObjectAnimator to animate on translationY
  29. disable Animation Transition
  30. enable Animation Transition
  31. start Translate With Thumb
  32. start Bounce With Thumb
  33. get X Z Translate animation
  34. get Translate Animation
  35. get Y Translate Animation
  36. get Y Z Translate Animation
  37. get Z Translate Animation
  38. translate X Animation