Android Graphics Bitmap Scale

Android examples for Graphics:Bitmap Scale


Click the following links for the tutorial for Graphics and Bitmap Scale.

  1. scale With width and height
  2. scale With scale X and scale Y
  3. create Scaled BMP by max length
  4. do Scale with Matrix
  5. scale Image by width and height
  6. adaptive scale Bitmap
  7. Convert Bitmap to Grayscale
  8. drawable To Grayscale Bitmap

  9. get Scaled Bitmap
  10. Returns a Bitmap from the given URI that may be scaled by an integer factor to reduce its size
  11. Bitmap scaled Width And Height To Maximum
  12. Convert Bitmap to gray scale
  13. center Square Scale Bitmap
  14. get Bitmap Fit Scale
  15. get Bitmap and Scale
  16. find Bitmap Scale Factor

  17. decode Scaled Bitmap From URL
  18. Generate a new bitmap (width x height pixels, ARGB_8888) with the input bitmap scaled to fit and clipped to an inscribed circle.
  19. scale Bitmap Center Crop
  20. scale Bitmap With Matrix
  21. scale Down Bitmap
  22. scale Bitmap Height
  23. scale Bitmap Width
  24. get Scaled Bitmap From Bitmap, keep ratio
  25. fetch And Rescale Bitmap
  26. find Scale Factor for Bitmap via InputStream
  27. get Scale Bitmap
  28. scale Bitmap image to
  29. scale And Rotate Bitmap Image
  30. scale Bitmap Image By Path
  31. scale Bitmap To Pixel
  32. scale Bitmap Image in ImageView Center Crop
  33. Convert Bitmap grayscale To Alpha
  34. grayscale Bitmap
  35. create Scaled Bitmap by scale and filtering
  36. create Scaled Bitmap by rotation and scale
  37. Bitmap To Small
  38. Shrink Bitmap
  39. get Small Bitmap
  40. read Shrink Bitmap
  41. get Max Scaled Bitmap
  42. Scale Bitmap to Grid
  43. Returns a new Bitmap copy with a center-crop effect a la android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType#CENTER_CROP .
  44. rotate And Scale Bitmap Image
  45. shrink Bitmap To Suitable
  46. stretch Bitmap