Android User Interface ViewGroup

Android examples for User Interface:ViewGroup


Click the following links for the tutorial for User Interface and ViewGroup.

  1. Gets the first child it finds in a parent matched from an instance (recursive)
  2. apply Dialog Style to ViewGroup
  3. Remove all views from ViewGroup
  4. measure View via ViewGroup
  5. clean View and ViewGroup
  6. get ViewGroup Body Text
  7. get Text from ViewGroup
  8. get ViewGroup Title Text

  9. get View from ViewGroup by path
  10. Get View index in a ViewGroup
  11. Measure view's height via ViewGroup.LayoutParams
  12. set ViewGroup Font
  13. setup ViewGroup Font
  14. Returns an array with the direct children of the parent ViewGroup
  15. disable Sub Controls in ViewGroup
  16. Adds all children of viewGroup (recursively) into views .

  17. get All Children from ViewGroup
  18. Set the size of ViewGroup by background image resource.
  19. Recursively sets enabled flag for all views contained in viewGroup.
  20. Recursively sets selected flag for all views contained in viewGroup.
  21. get ViewGroup Absolute Coordinates
  22. Calculates the fetched height of the given ViewGroup layout in pixels.
  23. Calculates the fetched width of the given ViewGroup layout in pixels.
  24. remove All Children from ViewGroup
  25. get Parent View as ViewGroup
  26. Recursively enables/disables all the child group, and any children of any ViewGroup in that ViewGroup .
  27. Set Enable Controls for ViewGroup
  28. Set Font To Controls via ViewGroup
  29. clear All Edits from ViewGroup
  30. expand ViewGroup
  31. collapse ViewGroup
  32. slide ViewGroup
  33. translate ViewGroup
  34. ViewGroup match Parent
  35. Inserts a View into a ViewGroup after directly after a given .
  36. Inserts a View into a ViewGroup after directly before a given .
  37. insert View to ViewGroup
  38. can ViewGroup Child Scroll Down
  39. can ViewGroup Child Scroll Up
  40. Scroll a ViewGroup to the bottom by repeatedly calling #dragQuarterScreenUp(InstrumentationTestCase,Activity)
  41. Scroll a ViewGroup to the top by repeatedly calling #dragQuarterScreenDown(InstrumentationTestCase,Activity)