Creates an array with four elements and then carelessly uses index values ranging from -1 to 6. - C Array

C examples for Array:Introduction


Creates an array with four elements and then carelessly uses index values ranging from -1 to 6.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h> 
  #define SIZE 4 //  w ww . jav  a2s  .c o m
  int main(void) 
      int value1 = 44; 
      int arr[SIZE]; 
      int value2 = 88; 
      int i; 
      printf("value1 = %d, value2 = %d\n", value1, value2); 
      for (i = -1; i <= SIZE; i++) 
          arr[i] = 2 * i + 1; 
      for (i = -1; i < 7; i++) 
          printf("%2d  %d\n", i , arr[i]); 
      printf("value1 = %d, value2 = %d\n", value1, value2); 
      printf("address of arr[-1]: %p\n", &arr[-1]); 
      printf("address of arr[4]:  %p\n", &arr[4]); 
      printf("address of value1:  %p\n", &value1); 
      printf("address of value2:  %p\n", &value2); 
      return 0; 


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