What is Hexadecimal - C Data Type

C examples for Data Type:int


Hexadecimal (or hex ) refers to a base 16 system.

It uses powers of 16 and the digits 0 to 15, because base 10 doesn't have single digits to represent the values 10 to 15, hexadecimal uses the letters A to F for that purpose.

The following table lists Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary Equivalents

Decimal Digit Hexadecimal Digit Binary Equivalent Decimal Digit Hexadecimal Digit Binary Equivalent
00 0000 8 8 1000
11 0001 9 9 1001
22 0010 10A 1010
33 0011 11B 1011
44 0100 12C 1100
55 0101 13D 1101
66 0110 14E 1110
77 0111 15F 1111

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