File Open Modes Summary - C File

C examples for File:File Operation


File Modes for fopen()

"w" Open a text file and truncate to zero length or create a text file for write operations.
"uw"Open a text file with default permissions and truncate to zero length or create a text file for write operations.
"wx"Create a text file for write operations.
"uwx" Create a text file with default permissions for write operations.
"a" Open a text file for append operations, adding to the end of the file.
"ua"Open a text file with default permissions for append operations, adding to the end of the file.
"r" Open a text file for read operations.
"wb"Open a binary file and truncate to zero length or create a binary file for write operations.
"uwb" Open a binary file with default permissions and truncate to zero length or create a binary file for write operations.
"wbx" Create a binary file for write operations.
"ab"Open a binary file for append operations.
"rb"Open a binary file for read operations.
"w+"Open or create a text file for update operations. An existing file will be truncated to zero length.
"a+"Open or create a text file for update operations, adding to the end of the file.
"r+"Open a text file for update operations (read and write anywhere).
"w+x" Create a text file for updating.
"uw+x" Create a text file with default permissions for updating.
"w+b" or "wb+" Open or create a binary file for update operations. An existing file will be truncated to zero length.
"w+bx" or "wb+x"Create a binary file for update operations.
"a+b" or "ab+" Open a binary file for update operations, adding to the end of the file.
"r+b" or "rb+" Open a binary file for update operations (read and write anywhere).

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