Write Structures to a Text File using the function fprintf() - C File

C examples for File:Text File


Write Structures to a Text File using the function fprintf()

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
     struct biodata{
          char name[15];
          int rollno;
          int age;
          float weight;
     };//from   ww  w  .j  a v a 2s.  co m

int main()
     int k = 0;
     char flag = 'y';
     FILE *fptr;
     struct biodata sa;
     fptr = fopen("C:\\Code\\data.dat", "w");
     if (fptr != NULL) {
          printf("File is opened successfully.\n");
          while(flag == 'y'){
               printf("Enter name, roll no, age, and weight of agent: ");
               scanf("%s %d %d %f", sa.name, &sa.rollno, &sa.age, &sa.weight);
               fprintf(fptr, "%s %d %d %.1f", sa.name,sa.rollno,sa.age,sa.weight);
               printf("Any more records(y/n): ");
               scanf(" %c", &flag);
          k = fclose(fptr);
          if(k == -1)
              puts("File-closing failed");
          if(k == 0)
              puts("File is closed successfully.");
          puts("File-opening failed");


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