C Function Function Definition

C examples for Function:Function Definition


Click the following links for the tutorial for Function and Function Definition.

  1. Defining a Function
  2. Have multiple return statements in a function
  3. Define and use variable in your own function
  4. List function prototype before main function
  5. Use function definition as function prototype
  6. To create an in-line function, precede its definition with the inline keyword. For example, in this program, calls to the function max( ) are optimized:
  7. Function without returning any value.
  8. Function definitions implement the function prototype.

  9. Function prototypes should be placed outside the main() function and before the main() function starts
  10. Function calls by passing variables as parameters
  11. Function calls placed in other functions.
  12. Function Calls
  13. Function that prints a report header using the \t escape sequence to print a tab between words.
  14. Create a function to find the Minimum Value in an Array
  15. Create a function to calculate the Square Root of a Number
  16. Create a function to Calculate the Absolute Value

  17. Finding the Greatest Common Divisor and Returning the Results
  18. Create function to find the Greatest Common Divisor
  19. Calculating the nth Triangular Number
  20. Calling Functions in a for loop
  21. Calling Functions twice
  22. Define a Function before main function, no need for the prototype
  23. Function Forward Declaration
  24. Use Return Statement to return value to caller
  25. Add parameters to Function
  26. What are Functions
  27. Inline Functions
  28. Calculate the product of two numbers using a function.
  29. Create function to accept two arrays with the same size, add each element in the arrays together and place the values in a third array.
  30. Create function to accept two arrays as arguments, totals all values in both arrays, and returns the total.
  31. Print letter using local variable
  32. Print information out in a function
  33. Create a function called min(x,y) that returns the smaller of two double values using if statement.
  34. Create a function called min(x,y) that returns the smaller of two double values using conditional operator.
  35. Create a function to find the base of a number
  36. Create a function to raise power for an integer
  37. Create a function to replace the contents of two double variables with the maximum of the two values using tenary operator.
  38. Create a function to replace the contents of two double variables with the maximum of the two values using if statement.
  39. Write a function that reverses the contents of an array of double
  40. Write a function that returns the index of the largest value stored in an array of double
  41. Defines a function with an argument
  42. Uses a function prototype
  43. Create a function with parameter that types 40 asterisks in a row.
  44. Create a function that types 40 asterisks in a row.
  45. Write a function that takes a double argument representing a desired time delay and then runs a loop until that amount of time has passed.