Take an int argument and returns the number of "on" bits in the argument - C Operator

C examples for Operator:Bit Operator


Take an int argument and returns the number of "on" bits in the argument

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>

#define CLEARINPUT while (getchar() != '\n') continue

int onbits(int n);

int main(void){
  int n, bits;//from   www. ja  v  a2 s.  c  om

  printf("Enter an integer (non-integer to quit): ");
  while (scanf("%d", &n) == 1){
    bits = onbits(n);
    printf("There are %d on bits in %d\n", bits, n);

    printf("Enter an integer (non-integer to quit): ");

  return 0;

int onbits(int n){
  // returns number of bits in n set to 1
  int count = 0;
  while (n != 0)
    if (n & 1)
    n >>= 1;

  return count;


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