Struct Pointers - C Structure

C examples for Structure:Structure Definition


A struct is a value type, not a reference type.

Any assignment or argument passing for struct object will copy the field values.

Demo Code

typedef struct point point;

struct point {/*ww  w.  j av a2  s.c om*/
  int x, y;
} r = { 1, 2 }; /* assigns x and y */

int main(void) {
  point p = { 1, 2 };
  point r = p; /* copies field values */

It is common to use pointers when passing objects to functions.

Demo Code

typedef struct point point;

struct point {/*from w ww. ja v  a 2  s .  c om*/
  int x, y;
} r = { 1, 2 }; /* assigns x and y */

void init_struct(point* a) {
  (*a).x = 1;
  (*a).y = 2;

int main(void) {
  point p;

To reference struct field via struct pointer, use the infix operator -> which automatically dereferences the pointer.

point p;
point* r = &p;
r->x = 1; /* same as (*r).x = 1; */

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