Cpp - String String Comparing


The comparative operators

==   !=   <    <=    >    >=  

were overloaded in the string class.

This allows you to use strings to formulate the conditions for branches and loops.

// str1 and str2 are objects of type string 
if( str1 < str2)  // str1 is less than str2? 
      . . . 

Strings are compared lexicographically, that is character by character, beginning at the first character.

Inputs and compares lines of text.


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 
string prompt = "Please enter two lines of text!\n", 
       line( 30, '-'); 
int main() //from  ww w. j  ava2  s .  c o m
    string line1, line2; 
    cout << line << '\n' << prompt << line << endl; 
    getline( cin, line1);        // Read the first 
    getline( cin, line2);        // and second line. 

    if( line1 == line2) 
       cout << " Both lines are the same!" << endl; 
       cout << "The smaller line is:\n\t"; 
       cout << (line1 < line2 ? line1 : line2) << endl; 
       int len1 = line1.length(), len2 = line2.length(); 
       if( len1 == len2) 
         cout << "Both lines have the same length! \n"; 
          cout << "The shorter line is:\n\t"; 
          cout << (len1 < len2 ? line1 : line2) << endl; 
    return 0; 

