Formatting integers as hexadecimal with Boost format.hpp - C++ boost

C++ examples for boost:Number


Formatting integers as hexadecimal with Boost format.hpp

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/format.hpp>

using namespace std;
using boost::format;
using boost::io::str;
using boost::io::format_error;

int main() {
   try {
      format f("There are %1% ways %2% %3% %4%");

      f % 3;
      f % "to" % "do" % "this.";

      cout << f << endl;

      f.clear(); // Clear buffers to format something else

      f.parse("Those cost $%d.");
      f % 50;

      cout << f << endl;

      int x = 12345;

      string strx = str(format("%x") % x);
      cout << strx << endl;
   catch (format_error &e) {
      cout << e.what() << endl;

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