Who() function from base class has the protected access specifier, the derived classes can public access the who() function. - C++ Class

C++ examples for Class:Inheritance


Who() function from base class has the protected access specifier, the derived classes can public access the who() function.

Demo Code

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
class Animal//from w w  w  .jav  a2s .  co m
  string name;                      // Name of the animal
  int weight;                       // Weight of the animal
  void who() const;                 // Display name and weight
  Animal(string aName, int wt);     // Constructor
class Lion: public Animal
  Lion(string aName, int wt) : Animal(aName, wt) {}
  void who() const;                 // Public member to access protected base function
class Fish: public Animal
  Fish(string aName, int wt) : Animal(aName, wt) {}
  void who() const;      // Public member to access protected base function
using std::string;
// Constructor
Animal::Animal(string aName, int wt) : name(aName), weight(wt) {}
// Identify the animal
void Animal::who() const
  std::cout << "My name is " << name << " and I weigh " << weight << "lbs." << std::endl;
// Identify the Lion
void Lion::who() const
  std::cout << "\nI am a lion.\n";
  Animal::who();                       // Call protected base function
// Identify the Fish
void Fish::who() const
  std::cout << "\nI am a fish.\n";
  Animal::who();                       // Call protected base function
int main()
  Lion myLion("Leo", 400);
  Fish myFish("Algernon", 50);


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