const_cast operator for casting away const or volatile qualification. - C++ Data Type

C++ examples for Data Type:Cast


const_cast operator for casting away const or volatile qualification.

Demo Code

#include <iostream> 
#include <cstring> // contains prototypes for functions strcmp and strlen 
#include <cctype> // contains prototype for function toupper 
using namespace std; 

const char *maximum( const char *first, const char *second ) 
    return ( strcmp( first, second ) >= 0 ? first : second ); 

int main() //  w  w  w .  jav  a 2  s.c  o m
    char s1[] = "hello"; // modifiable array of characters 
    char s2[] = "goodbye" ; // modifiable array of characters 

    // const_cast required to allow the const char * returned by maximum 
    // to be assigned to the char * variable maxPtr 
    char *maxPtr = const_cast< char * >( maximum( s1, s2 ) ); 

    cout << "The larger string is: " << maxPtr << endl; 

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < strlen( maxPtr ); ++i ) 
       maxPtr[ i ] = toupper( maxPtr[ i ] ); 

    cout << "The larger string capitalized is: " << maxPtr << endl; 


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