Stream Format States and Stream Manipulators - C++ File Stream

C++ examples for File Stream:cout


skipwsSkip white-space characters on an input stream. This setting is reset with stream manipulator noskipws.
left Left justify output in a field. Padding characters appear to the right if necessary.
rightRight justify output in a field. Padding characters appear to the left if necessary.
internal Indicate that a number's sign should be left justified in a field and a number's magnitude should be right justified in that same field.
boolalpha Specify that bool values should be displayed as the word true or false.
dec Specify that integers should be treated as decimal (base 10) values.
oct Specify that integers should be treated as octal (base 8) values.
hex Specify that integers should be treated as hexadecimal (base 16) values.
showbase Specify that the base of a number is to be output ahead of the number (a leading 0 for octals; a leading 0x or 0X for hexadecimals). This setting is reset with stream manipulator noshowbase.
showpoint Specify that floating-point numbers should be output with a decimal point.
uppercase Specify that uppercase letters (i.e., X and A through F) should be used in a hexadecimal integer and that uppercase E should be used when representing a floating-point value in scientific notation. This setting is reset with stream manipulator nouppercase.
showpos Specify that positive numbers should be preceded by a plus sign (+). This setting is reset with stream manipulator noshowpos.
scientificSpecify output of a floating-point value in scientific notation.
fixed Specify output of a floating-point value in fixed-point notation with a specific number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

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