Demonstrates the use of specifiers to create variable names - C++ Language Basics

C++ examples for Language Basics:Variable


Demonstrates the use of specifiers to create variable names

Demo Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {/*from   w w w. ja v a 2 s .  com*/
   char c;
   unsigned char cu;
   int i;
   unsigned int iu;
   short int is;
   short iis; // Same as short int
   unsigned short int isu;
   unsigned short iisu;
   long int il;
   long iil;  // Same as long int
   unsigned long int ilu;
   unsigned long iilu;
   float f;
   double d;
   long double ld;
   cout << "\n char= " << sizeof(c)
   << "\n unsigned char = " << sizeof(cu)
   << "\n int = " << sizeof(i)
   << "\n unsigned int = " << sizeof(iu)
   << "\n short = " << sizeof(is)
   << "\n unsigned short = " << sizeof(isu)
   << "\n long = " << sizeof(il)
   << "\n unsigned long = " << sizeof(ilu)
   << "\n float = " << sizeof(f)
   << "\n double = " << sizeof(d)
   << "\n long double = " << sizeof(ld)
   << endl;


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