Computes a grade average with a for loop, allowing an early exit with a break statement. - C++ Statement

C++ examples for Statement:for


Computes a grade average with a for loop, allowing an early exit with a break statement.

Demo Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <iomanip>
int main()//  w w  w. j  a  va 2 s .c o m
   float grade, avg;
   float total=0.0;
   int num, count=0;
   int loopvar;

   cout << "How many students are there? ";
   cin >> num;                // Get total number to enter.

   for (loopvar=1; loopvar<=num; loopvar++)
      cout << "\nWhat is the next student's " << "grade? (-99 to quit) ";
      cin >> grade;
      if (grade < 0.0)              // A negative number triggers break.
      }               // Leave the loop early.
      total += grade;
   avg = total / count;
   cout << "\n\nThe average of this class is "<< setprecision(1) << avg;
   return 0;


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