Processing Strings to remove spaces - C++ STL

C++ examples for STL:string


Processing Strings to remove spaces

Demo Code

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef vector<string> StringList;

StringList Split(string orig, string delims)
    StringList list;//from   w  ww  . jav a 2  s.  c o m
    int pos;

    while((pos = orig.find_first_of(delims)) != -1)
        list.push_back(orig.substr(0, pos));
        orig = orig.substr(pos + 1);


    return list;

string MyUppercase(string str)
    char *buf = new char[str.length() + 1];

    strcpy(buf, str.c_str());

    return string(buf);

string stripspaces(string orig)
    int left;
    int right;

    if (orig.length() == 0)
        return orig;

    // Strip right
    right = orig.find_last_not_of(" \t");
    if (right > -1)
        orig.resize(right + 1);

    // Strip left
    left = orig.find_first_not_of(" \t");
    if (left > -1)
        orig.erase(0, left);

    // If left still has a space, it means the whole string is whitespace.
    // So just remove it all.
    if (orig[0] == ' ' || orig[0] == '\t')
        orig = "";

    return orig;
void ProcessName(string name)
    StringList list;
    string first, middle, last;
    int size, commapos;
    name = stripspaces(name);
    commapos = name.find(",");

    if (commapos > 0)
        // Name has a comma, so start with last name.
        name.erase(commapos, 1);
        list = Split(name, " ");
        size = list.size();

        if (size > 0)
            last = list[0];
        if (size > 1)
            first = list[1];
        if (size > 2)
            middle = list[2];
        // Name has no comma, so start with first name.
        list = Split(name, " ");
        size = list.size();

        if (size > 0)
            first = list[0];
        if (size > 2)
            middle = list[1];
            last = list[2];
        if (size == 2)
            last = list[1];

    // If middle name is just initial and period,
    // then remove the initial.
    if (middle.length() == 2)
        if (middle[1] == '.')

    // Convert all to uppercase
    first = MyUppercase(first);
    middle = MyUppercase(middle);
    last = MyUppercase(last);

    cout << "first: " << first << endl;
    cout << "middle: " << middle << endl;
    cout << "last: " << last << endl;
    cout << endl;

int main()
    string name;

    name = "   W   ";

    name = "W";

    name = "G Z. ";

    name = "G               n";

    name = "G ";

    return 0;


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