Computing the Distance Between Two Vectors - C++ template

C++ examples for template:template function


Computing the Distance Between Two Vectors

Demo Code

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class Iter_T, class Iter2_T>
double vectorDistance(Iter_T first, Iter_T last, Iter2_T first2) {
  double ret = 0.0;
  while (first != last) {
    double dist = (*first++) - (*first2++);
    ret += dist * dist;//  ww  w  .  jav a 2  s . c  o  m
  return ret > 0.0 ? sqrt(ret) : 0.0;

int main() {
  int v1[] = { 1, 5 };
  int v2[] = { 4, 9 };
  cout << "distance between vectors (1,5) and (4,9) is ";
  cout << vectorDistance(v1, v1 + 2, v2) << endl;


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