C++ template template class

C++ examples for template:template class


Click the following links for the tutorial for template and template class.

  1. Create a simple templatized vector class
  2. A templatize vector class with an initializer list
  3. Deriving a Class Template from a Class Template
  4. Deriving a Class Template from a Class
  5. Deriving a Class from a Class Template
  6. Using Templates to Create Several Versions of a Class
  7. Using Multiple Parameters with Templates
  8. Containing the Type You Specify in Classes

  9. Using Vectors as Examples of Container Classes
  10. Using Partial Template Specialization with class
  11. Create the Singleton Template
  12. Creating a Template Class
  13. Writing a Class Template to represent tree structure
  14. Writing a Member Function Template
  15. Implementing a Stride Iterator, You have a contiguous series of numbers and you want to iterate through the elements n at a time.
  16. Create Stack Class template

  17. Create Array class template
  18. Exercising the SparseArray class template
  19. Exercising the LinkedList template class, reverses the text that is entered
  20. Exercising the SparseArray class template for an array of arrays
  21. Exercising the SparseArray class template with the LinkedList class template
  22. Using a stack defined by nested class templates
  23. Using static_assert() in a class template
  24. Using a class template with a non-type parameter
  25. Using a class template
  26. Defining Class Templates
  27. Using the templates for overloaded comparison operators for Pool objects
  28. Implements stack class as a template, member functions are defined outside the class
  29. Implements stack class as a template
  30. Implements linked list as a template
  31. Implements queue class as a template
  32. Implements queue class as a template, uses exceptions to handle errors in queue