CSharp - Type Creation indexer Implementation


To write an indexer, define a property called this and then set the arguments in square brackets.

class WordList{
       string[] words = "this is a test from book2s.com".Split();

       public string this [int wordNum]      // indexer
         get { return words [wordNum];  }
         set { words [wordNum] = value; }

Here's how we could use this indexer:

WordList s = new WordList();
Console.WriteLine (s[3]);       
s[3] = "abc";
Console.WriteLine (s[3]);       

A type may declare multiple indexers, each with parameters of different types.

An indexer can also take more than one parameter:

public string this [int arg1, string arg2]
       get { ... }  set { ... }

Omitting the set accessor makes an indexer read-only.

You can use expression-bodied syntax in indexer.

public string this [int wordNum] => words [wordNum];


using System;
class MainClass//from ww w  . j  av  a  2s.  c  om
   public static void Main(string[] args)
        WordList s = new WordList();
        Console.WriteLine (s[3]);       
        s[3] = "abc";
        Console.WriteLine (s[3]); 
class WordList{
       string[] words = "this is a test from book2s.com".Split();

       public string this [int wordNum]      // indexer
         get { return words [wordNum];  }
         set { words [wordNum] = value; }


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