CSharp - Write program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not.


Write program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not.

Input "level", return true

Input "level1", return false


We will reverse the string and then check whether the original string and the reversed strings are same.

If they are same, the string is a palindrome string.


using System;

public class MainClass
    public static void Main(String[] argv)
    {// www.  j av  a 2s  .  c o m
        string s1 = "abccba";
        char[] tempArray = s1.ToCharArray();
        //change the reverse array to a string and compare
        string reverseStr = new string(tempArray);
        if (s1.Equals(reverseStr))
            Console.WriteLine("String \" {0} \" is a palindrome string, reverse string of it is { 1}", s1, reverseStr);
            Console.WriteLine("String \"{0}\"is a Not palindrome string, reverse string of it is { 1}", s1, reverseStr);
