constructor that initializes an Account's name. - CSharp Custom Type

CSharp examples for Custom Type:Constructor


Using the Account constructor to set an Account's name when an Account object is created.

Demo Code

using System;//w  w w .  j ava 2 s  .c om
class Account
   public string Name { get; set; } // auto-implemented property
   // constructor sets the Name property to parameter accountName's value
   public Account(string accountName) // constructor name is class name
      Name = accountName;
class AccountTest
   static void Main()
      // create two Account objects
      Account account1 = new Account("Mary");
      Account account2 = new Account("Edith");
      // display initial value of name for each Account
      Console.WriteLine($"account1 name is: {account1.Name}");
      Console.WriteLine($"account2 name is: {account2.Name}");


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