Overloading the Increment and Decrement Operators - CSharp Custom Type

CSharp examples for Custom Type:Operator Overloading


Overloading the Increment and Decrement Operators

Demo Code

using System;/*ww  w .  j av a2 s .c o  m*/
public class MyCharacter
   private char private_ch;
   public MyCharacter() { this.ch = ' '; }
   public MyCharacter(char val) { this.ch = val; }
   public char ch
      get{ return this.private_ch; }
      set{ this.private_ch = value; }
   static public MyCharacter operator++ ( MyCharacter orig )
      MyCharacter result = new MyCharacter();
      result.ch = (char)(orig.ch + 1);
      return result;
   static public MyCharacter operator-- ( MyCharacter orig )
      MyCharacter result = new MyCharacter();
      result.ch = (char)(orig.ch - 1);
      return result;
public class myAppClass
   public static void Main(String[] args)
      MyCharacter aaa = new MyCharacter('g');
      MyCharacter bbb = new MyCharacter('g');
      Console.WriteLine("Original value: {0}, {1}", aaa.ch, bbb.ch);
      aaa = ++aaa;
      bbb = --bbb;
      Console.WriteLine("Current values: {0}, {1}", aaa.ch, bbb.ch);
      aaa = ++aaa;
      bbb = --bbb;
      Console.WriteLine("Final values: {0}, {1}", aaa.ch, bbb.ch);


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