The Ultimate Base Class: Object - CSharp Custom Type

CSharp examples for Custom Type:Inheritance


The ultimate base class in C# is Object.

The Object class is the root class in the .NET Framework class hierarchy.

Demo Code

using System;//w ww.j av a2s .com
sealed class PI
   public static float nbr;
   static PI()
      nbr = 3.14159F;
   static public float val()
class myApp
   public static void Main()
      Console.WriteLine("PI = {0}", PI.val());
      Object x = new PI();
      Console.WriteLine("ToString: {0}", x.ToString());
      Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", x.GetType());
      Console.WriteLine("ToString: {0}", 123.ToString());
      Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", 123.GetType());


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