Add XML documentation to class - CSharp Language Basics

CSharp examples for Language Basics:Hello World


Add XML documentation to class

Demo Code

using System;/*from  www. ja  v  a 2s  . co  m*/
///<summary>The Car class represents a car in the car game </summary>
///<remarks>The car can be moved forward and backward</remarks>
class Car
   ///<summary> distance represents the amount
   ///of kilometers the car has driven </summary>
   private uint distance = 0;
   ///<summary> Used to move the car forward and backward </summary>
   ///<remarks> To reverse the car you must pass a negative argument </remarks>
   public void Move(uint addDistance)
      distance += addDistance;
      Console.WriteLine("Moving {0} kilometers", addDistance);
class Tester
   public static void Main()
      Car myCar = new Car();


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