CSharp System.Collections.Generic IDictionary

CSharp examples for System.Collections.Generic:IDictionary


Click the following links for the tutorial for System.Collections.Generic and IDictionary.

  1. Get value from Dictionary with default value
  2. Get Or Default from IReadOnlyDictionary
  3. Returns TRUE if the item does NOT exist in the dictionary. This performs MUCH faster than ContainsKey() or ContainsValue()
  4. Adds or sets a value for a dictionary.
  5. Add or set key value pair in Dictionary
  6. To Dictionary Ignoring Duplicate Keys
  7. Adds elements to dictionary from collection.
  8. Creates the dictionary from collection.

  9. Given a collection of values a key function, builds a dictionary
  10. Creates a dictionary where the keys are looked up using reference equality
  11. Returns true if the two sets contain the same elements. only for sets and dictionaries. Does not work for Lists or Arrays.
  12. Empty Dictionary
  13. Union two dictionaries with sub-collection of items. If dictionary already contains specified key, it will be replaced by new collection items.
  14. Combines two unique Int32 numbers into an Int64 suitable for use as a dictionary key, optionally taking the order of the numbers into account.
  15. Returns a dictionary with keyvalue pairs corresponding to items from the given sequence.
  16. Add a collection of items into a dictionary, using a collection of keys and one default value for all the items

  17. Clone Dictionary
  18. Determines whether the specified dictionary is null empty.
  19. Partitions elements of the target collection into sub-groups based on the specified key generating function, and returns a dictionary of the generated keys, where each value is a list of the items that produced that key. Items appear in the sub-lists in the order in which they were enumerated from the target.
  20. Compares two dictionary for equality.
  21. Dictionary Contains Key Ignoring Case
  22. Dictionary Get Value Ignoring Case
  23. Build a string from collection content. Each collection item is used to produce a 'key=value' string. Pairs are separated by a semi colon.
  24. A Dictionary<string,string> extension method that converts a map to a name value collection.
  25. Encode IDictionary To Json
  26. Decode From Json to IDictionary
  27. Add a value to the dictionary with the key and return this dictionary.
  28. Remove Range IDictionary
  29. IDictionary Get Or Add
  30. IDictionary Get Value Or Create
  31. Converts the IDictionary to a query string
  32. IDictionary Get Value Or Default
  33. Determines whether a Dictionary object is a subset of another Dictionary.
  34. Gets an item from the dictionary, if it's found. Otherwise, returns the specified default value.
  35. IDictionary Add Or Update
  36. IDictionary To Xml String
  37. Adds an enumerable of entries to the specified dictionary.
  38. IDictionary Remove All by condition
  39. IDictionary To Debug String
  40. Returns a querystring based upon the values in a IDictionary. This will not return the ? character.
  41. Gets a value from the dictionary with given key. Returns default value if can not find.
  42. Safely get the value of the given property, or return the default if no value is present in the dictionary
  43. Safely get the value of the given property as an array of strings, or return an empty array if no value is present in the dictionary. This assumes the property is stored as a comma-separated list
  44. Determine if the given property has a value in IDictionary
  45. Remove all dictionary elements matching the given predicate.
  46. Converts a dictionary instance into a url encoded querystring
  47. Check if a dictionary contains all the items from another dictionary.
  48. Compare two dictionaries by their key value pairs.
  49. Merge two IDictionary
  50. Remove All key value pair from Dictionary in IEnumerable
  51. Maps a collection to a dictionary using a mapper functor for the value