CSharp System.Collections.Generic IEnumerable

CSharp examples for System.Collections.Generic:IEnumerable


Click the following links for the tutorial for System.Collections.Generic and IEnumerable.

  1. Its like IEnumerable FirstOrDefault, but without the Garbage allocation because it operates on a List.
  2. Return a random element in the provided IEnumerable.
  3. Get Random Item from IEnumerable
  4. Apply Action on Each Element of an IEnumerable
  5. Is IEnumerable Empty
  6. Do Join on IEnumerable and return a string
  7. Random value from IEnumerable
  8. Get Hash Code for IEnumerable

  9. IEnumerable To Observable Collection
  10. Check if IEnumerable Contains by condition
  11. Invoke the given action for each element in IEnumerable values.
  12. Enqueue for IEnumerable
  13. Adds each item in IEnumerable to ICollection.
  14. Is IEnumerable Null Or Empty
  15. IEnumerable As Typed List
  16. Shuffle IEnumerable

  17. Dynamically converts an IEnumerable to a generic list based on the given type.
  18. Cast IEnumerable To Array
  19. Cast IEnumerable To List
  20. IEnumerable First Or Default
  21. Clone IEnumerable and return List
  22. Clone IEnumerable
  23. Traverse Intersect IEnumerable
  24. Copy IEnumerable to List
  25. Join IEnumerable To String by Format
  26. Split IEnumerable In Groups
  27. Split IEnumerable In Groups Removing Duplicates
  28. Performs "pagination" of a sequence IEnumerable, returning a fragment ("page") of its contents.
  29. Random Element from IEnumerable
  30. Find All element in IEnumerable
  31. Get Element from IEnumerable
  32. Random Shuffle IEnumerable
  33. Create List from IEnumerable
  34. Find Element from IEnumerable by Predicate
  35. Find All Element from IEnumerable by Predicate
  36. Get Element from IEnumerable by Index
  37. Get Element Or Default from IEnumerable by index
  38. Get Length of IEnumerable
  39. Reverse IEnumerable
  40. Get DataTable from IEnumerable
  41. Stable Sort IEnumerable
  42. Copy IEnumerable to ICollection
  43. Get Range from IEnumerable
  44. To Array by index on IEnumerable
  45. Try Get from IEnumerable by Predicate
  46. Indexes Of element in IEnumerable
  47. Nullable First element from IEnumerable
  48. Start New Partition by function on IEnumerable
  49. Get the first item from an IEnumerable
  50. Get the last item from an IEnumerable
  51. Count IEnumerable Items
  52. IEnumerable To String
  53. Cast Valid IEnumerable
  54. Index Of IEnumerable
  55. Select from IEnumerable by function
  56. IEnumerable To Covariant
  57. Tests whether an IEnumerator is "empty", leaving IEnumerator at same position
  58. Cast Valid element from IEnumerable
  59. Calculates the intersection set of two IEnumerable
  60. Checks if this enumeration has the given IEnumerable, applying the given to compare the equality of the elements.
  61. Calculates the union set of IEnumerable and returns it.
  62. Adds the specified object to the specified IEnumerable.
  63. Determines whether the IEnumerable contains the specified Object.
  64. Returns the first element contained in both source IEnumerable and target IEnumerable
  65. Returns the first element in the target IEnumerable, or null if the collection is empty.
  66. Items Equal between two IEnumerable
  67. Add one element to IEnumerable
  68. Get Duplicates from IEnumerable
  69. Max Element in IEnumerable
  70. Min Element from IEnumerable
  71. Rotate element from IEnumerable
  72. Get IEnumerable by page count
  73. Equal between two IEnumerable
  74. Minus one IEnumerable from IEnumerable
  75. Select IEnumerable with function
  76. Join IEnumerable With Comma
  77. Returns the maximum value or null if sequence is empty.
  78. Returns the minimum value or null if sequence is empty.
  79. Helper method which turns a single item into an enumerable.
  80. Performs the specified on each element of the enumerable.
  81. ForEach extension that enumerates over all items in an and executes an action.
  82. For each extension that enumerates over an enumerator and attempts to execute the provided action delegate and if the action throws an exception, continues executing.
  83. Joins the enumerators.
  84. Order By Random
  85. Shuffle elements in random order. To get a random on the order used Random class.
  86. Shuffle elements in very good random order.
  87. Determines if the two given sequences contain the same items, not counting duplicates.
  88. Determines if all items from the second given sequence are present in the first given sequence.
  89. Iterates through a sequence, calling a delegate for each element in it.
  90. Picks up random element from a specified sequence and returns it.
  91. Executes a function on each item in a and returns the results in a new .
  92. Contains Value with IEqualityComparer<T>
  93. Compares two sequences by comparing their items instead of their references. Also checks the case that both sequences are null. In this case the method returns true.
  94. Produces a sequence of items using a seed value and iteration method.
  95. Generates a sequence of integral numbers within a specified range.
  96. Returns the first zero based item of an item inside a sequence.
  97. The predicate returns false to stop the iteration.
  98. a better way to cast unknown IEnumerable to typed list
  99. Contains Duplicates in IEnumerable
  100. Dump IEnumerable byte
  101. Searches IEnumerable for the max or default element.
  102. Searches IEnumerable for the min or default element.
  103. Hex Dump IEnumerable of byte
  104. Long Sum IEnumerable
  105. Paged IEnumerable
  106. Add one element to the sequence
  107. Returns all the elements but the last
  108. Returns the slice of the collection between elements start and end
  109. Returns all the elements but the first
  110. Finds the first element in the collection that satisfies the predicate
  111. Finds all the elements that match the predicate and then applies the functor
  112. Creates a delimited string out of an IEnumerable list of T