CSharp System.Collections.Generic IList

CSharp examples for System.Collections.Generic:IList


Click the following links for the tutorial for System.Collections.Generic and IList.

  1. Last element in IList
  2. Quick Sort IList
  3. Swap value in IList
  4. For fast enumerations, this must be a IList of ILists, not a IList of IEnumerables
  5. IList Equal
  6. IList Reference Equal
  7. IList Equal with IEqualityComparer
  8. Find Common Elements in IList

  9. Maximums the specified list.
  10. Minimums the specified list.
  11. Return the position of the maximum in the list.
  12. Return the position of the Minimum in the list.
  13. Flats the specified list of list.
  14. Sums the specified list.
  15. Sorts an IList collections
  16. Remove And Get from IList

  17. Add First to IList
  18. Shuffle element in IList
  19. Subset from IList
  20. Remove First from IList by condition
  21. Shuffle IList
  22. Return the enumerable as a IList of T, copying if required. Avoid mutating the return value.
  23. Convert the enumerable to a Dictionary using the keySelector to extract keys from values and the specified comparer. Fast paths for array and IList of T.
  24. Convert the list to a Dictionary using the keySelector to extract keys from values and the specified comparer. Optimized for IList of T input. No checking for other types.
  25. Binary Search IList
  26. Return the enumerable as a Collection of T, copying if required. Optimized for the common case where it is a Collection of T and avoiding a copy if it implements IList of T. Avoid mutating the return value.
  27. Add item to IList If Not Exist
  28. Convert DataTable To IList
  29. Clone IList
  30. Add element to Sorted IList
  31. IList contains All elements from ICollection
  32. remove value from IList
  33. Create IList with one element
  34. sort IList
  35. tail Set IList
  36. Insert Element to IList
  37. Remove element from IList
  38. Convert to IList
  39. Reverse IList with while loop
  40. N Copies element in IList
  41. Remove Duplicates from IList by function
  42. Select Distinct UnSorted from IList
  43. Shuffle IList In Place
  44. Shuffle IList To New List
  45. Swap element in IList
  46. Remove Items from IList
  47. Is Valid Index in IList
  48. Copy IList to another IList by index
  49. IList To Comma String
  50. Sorts the Ilist.
  51. Executes a function on each item in ICollection and returns the results in a new IList.
  52. Executes a function on each item in IList and returns the results in a new IList.
  53. Add Distinct to IList
  54. Adds the elements of the specified collection to the specified generic IList.
  55. Add Range Distinct to IList
  56. One IList Minus another IList
  57. Count Of element in IList
  58. Get Range from IList
  59. Insert Range into IList
  60. Remove Range from IList
  61. IList To Read Only Collection
  62. True For All element from IList
  63. Returns a string representation of this IList.
  64. Returns the index of sublist in the given IList.
  65. Returns the index element of the specified IList.
  66. Exchanges the items at index and in the specified IList.
  67. Pop one element from IList
  68. Remove an item by swapping it with the last item and removing it from the last position.
  69. Helper function that swaps erasing element with the back element and then erases the back.
  70. Last element Based On function
  71. Add Range Distinct
  72. Joins the specified items in IList.
  73. Uses an insertion sort algorithm to perform a stable sort IList (keep the initial order of the keys with equal values).
  74. Shuffles a list in O(n) time by using the Fisher-YatesKnuth algorithm.
  75. Adds a range of items into the given list.
  76. Add Range If Not In List
  77. Compares two lists. Element order is important.
  78. Compares two lists. Considers list equal if two lists contains the same elements, element order is ignored.
  79. Reverts list.
  80. Shuffle List Range
  81. Adds an item to list if it is not already in the list. Deals with null IList
  82. Removes all items from the System.Collections.IList. Deals with null IList
  83. Finds the zero based index of an item, using the search predicate. If item not found, returns -1 Deals with null IList
  84. Applies the action to every item in the list Deals with null IList
  85. Determines the index of a specific item in the System.Collections.Generic.IList. Deals with null IList
  86. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the System.Collections.IList. Deals with null IList
  87. Removes all the items filtered by a predicate. Deals with null IList
  88. Removes the last item of a IList. Deals with null IList
  89. Sort Members List
  90. Returns a list of primes, based on the Sieve of Eratosthenes