CSharp System.Collections.Generic List

CSharp examples for System.Collections.Generic:List


Click the following links for the tutorial for System.Collections.Generic and List.

  1. IEnumerable To List
  2. Are Equal List
  3. Random Element from List
  4. Returns the last element of the list.
  5. Removes the last element from the list and returns it.
  6. Shuffle a List
  7. Finds all of the permutations for the given Elements of type T.
  8. Get Or Create List<T>

  9. Filters an input list, running a predicate over each element of the input.
  10. Generate a list with n size of T value.
  11. Distinct Strings in List
  12. Returns a list of files in a give directory.
  13. Tail Map from SortedList
  14. Ensures the capacity of the list to be greater or equal than the specified.
  15. Returns a portion of the list whose keys are less than the limit object parameter.
  16. Returns a portion of the list whose keys are greater that the lowerLimit parameter less than the upperLimit parameter.

  17. Returns a portion of the list whose keys are greater than the limit object parameter.
  18. Cast the given collection to a collection of select list items.
  19. DataTable To List
  20. Returns either the list or a new List if list is null.
  21. Transform List
  22. Remove a range out of the given list and return that range as a new list.
  23. Inserts the specified at the beginning of the list (in order) and returns the mutated list.
  24. Return the enumerable as a List of T, copying if required.
  25. Remove values from the list starting at the index start.
  26. List Equals
  27. List Hash Code
  28. Difference between two list
  29. adds specified elements at end of the list
  30. copy all elements from linked list to array
  31. Performs insertion sort on the list.
  32. Make List from T
  33. Sort Generic List
  34. Return the enumerable as a List of T, copying if required. Optimized for common case where it is an List of T or a ListWrapperCollection of T. Avoid mutating the return value.
  35. Return the only value from list, the type's default value if empty, or call the errorAction for 2 or more.
  36. Returns a single value in list matching type TMatch if there is only one, null if there are none of type TMatch or calls the errorAction with errorArg1 if there is more than one.
  37. Disposes all items in a list
  38. Returns an item from a list if the index exists
  39. List To Collection
  40. Get Intersection between two List
  41. Get Union between two List
  42. singleton List
  43. sub List from to
  44. insertion Sort ArrayList
  45. Empty List
  46. Move element To First in List
  47. To String List
  48. Shuffle elements of list in random order. To get a random on the order used Random class
  49. Sub List
  50. Create One Element List
  51. Returns a modifiable list, after first copying the collection.
  52. Performs a binary search in a list of items.
  53. Flatten List<byte[]>
  54. Does a "set check" for two lists.
  55. Distinct value in List
  56. Makes a slice of the specified list in between the start and end indexes, getting every so many items based upon the step.
  57. Make List from single element
  58. Determines whether two generic Lists are equal.
  59. Return a list containing only the different (distinct) values of the specified collection.
  60. Calculates the union list of and and returns it.
  61. Convert DataTable To List
  62. Convert String To List Int
  63. Compares the two passed lists for equality. Two lists are considered equal, if they contain equal elements in the same order.
  64. Returns a comma-separated list of the elements of the passed sequence.
  65. List Equals by LINQ
  66. List Equals with while loop