CSharp System Byte

CSharp examples for System:Byte


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and Byte.

  1. Format Byte
  2. Convert byte To Word
  3. Reverse Byte Order
  4. fill Bytes Little Endian
  5. Convert Byte[] to short[] in memory order. Like Marshal buffer copy.
  6. Copies the specified amount of bytes from source buffer to destination.
  7. A byte[] extension method that determine if we are equal.
  8. Calculate how many bytes is enough to hold the value.

  9. Determines if the given is inclusively within the range of `0-9, A-F and a-f` .
  10. Parse Byte Hex String
  11. Parse Hex String Byte
  12. Convert String To Bytes
  13. Get Bytes UTF8 from String
  14. Bytes To Hex String
  15. Hex String To Bytes
  16. Get Byte Count for String

  17. String To Bytes
  18. To Formatted Hex String with LINQ
  19. To Hex String with LINQ
  20. Bin To String
  21. Transforms a into an hex dump formatted string
  22. Returns the larger of two 8-bit unsigned integers.
  23. Returns the smaller of two 8-bit unsigned integers.
  24. Memory Copy
  25. The return value is the high-order byte of the specified value.
  26. The return value is the high-order double word of the specified value.
  27. The return value is the high-order word of the specified value.
  28. The return value is the low-order byte of the specified value.
  29. The return value is the low-order word of the specified value.
  30. Changes the value in the given position. Change bit value from low to high, or high to low. Returns the same byte, but with one bit changed.
  31. Byte To Hex String
  32. Make an integer putting in low 2-bytes and in high 2-bytes.
  33. Make an short from 2-bytes.
  34. Returns how many bytes are required to hold a certain number of bits
  35. get a human readable file size in bytes abbreviation
  36. Formats a byte number in different units
  37. Size To Readable String
  38. Reverse Bytes for Network
  39. byte To Hex Str
  40. This method decodes data in string for short.
  41. Single Byte Hex
  42. Two Byte Hex
  43. Returns the specified 32-bit signed integer value as an array of Binary Coded Decimal format bytes.
  44. Returns a 32-bit signed integer converted from bytes in a Binary Coded Decimal format byte array.
  45. To Display Byte size
  46. Compute Binary Hash Code
  47. Converts string to an array of bytes, using specified Encoding.
  48. String extension method which converts the input string to a byte array.
  49. From Utf8 Bytes
  50. Gets the number of bytes as a string.
  51. Hex To Bytes
  52. Converts the given input string to a byte array.
  53. Hex To Byte Array
  54. Converts a hexadecimal string to a byte array.
  55. Converts the input string to a byte array and computes the hash.
  56. Encodes the specified value, returning the result as a byte array.
  57. Compares two byte[] arrays, element by element, and returns the number of elements common to both arrays.
  58. Get Bytes Readable
  59. Counts how many bytes the string will use, including the null terminator. Uses UTF8 encoding.
  60. Byte Array To Hex String
  61. Hex Dump From Byte Array
  62. Hex String From Byte Array
  63. Write bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB message. 1 KB = 1024 Bytes 1 MB = 1024 KB = 1048576 Bytes 1 GB = 1024 MB = 1073741824 Bytes 1 TB = 1024 GB = 1099511627776 Bytes E.g. 100 will return "100 Bytes" 2048 will return "2.00 KB" 2500 will return "2.44 KB" 1534905 will return "1.46 MB" 23045904850904 will return "20.96 TB"
  64. Convert Strings To Byte Array Array
  65. Converts string to byte[].
  66. Converts byte[] to string.
  67. Reads a 4 byte length prefixed ansi string from the given BinaryReader
  68. Reads a 1 byte length prefixed ansi string from the given BinaryReader
  69. String From Byte Array
  70. From Utf8 Byte Array to String
  71. From Byte Array to String
  72. From Ascii Byte Array to String