CSharp System Char

CSharp examples for System:Char


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and Char.

  1. Is Backspace
  2. Is Lower Alpha
  3. Is Numeric
  4. Is Upper Alpha
  5. Is White Space
  6. To Lower
  7. To Upper
  8. Char To Value

  9. Generate a string by duplicating a char.
  10. Is char Alpha
  11. Is Char Digit
  12. Is byte Ascii
  13. Is Char a Digit
  14. Is Char a Hex
  15. Is Identifier Char
  16. Is Char Whitespace

  17. Is Char Hex Digit
  18. Is Char Letter
  19. Is Char Oct Digit
  20. Chart Setup
  21. Is Char Lower
  22. Is Char Lower Letter
  23. Is Char Numeric
  24. Is Char Upper
  25. Is Char Upper Letter
  26. Convert char To Byte
  27. Convert Char To Lower
  28. Convert Char To Upper
  29. Is English Character
  30. Is Special Character
  31. Is New Line Character
  32. Get the char value at a specified index within a string
  33. Returns string build up with bytes - no encoding is used. PROS: No data loss as with encoding when char is illegal.
  34. Convert digit to char
  35. Capitalizes first word letter and removes spaces and special characters.
  36. Checks for character existence in char array
  37. Return a clone of the given char array. No null checks are performed.
  38. Compare two char arrays. No null checks are performed.
  39. Copies an array of chars obtained from a String into a specified array of chars
  40. Char To Int
  41. Ascii To Char
  42. Char To Ascii
  43. Repeat Char
  44. Get the ascii value of a single character
  45. Is High/Low Surrogate
  46. Is Line Terminator
  47. Char To Six Bit
  48. Validates the char is 0-9, A-F or a-f
  49. Validates the char is 0-9 or a dash
  50. Validates the char is 0-9
  51. First Char To Upper Invariant
  52. Decode Control Characters
  53. Encode Control Characters
  54. String extension method which returns first N characters of the input string.
  55. Except Chars
  56. To Lower First Char
  57. To Upper First Char
  58. Centers text within the specified maximum length, biased to the left. Text will be padded to the left and right with specified padding character. If value is greater than specified maximum length, value returned will be truncated from the right.
  59. Counts the total number of the occurrences of a character in the given string.
  60. Searches a string for an instance of a repeated character from specified startIndex.
  61. Returns the index of the last repeated index of the first group of repeated characters that begin with the character To Find
  62. Capitalizes the first character of the given input string.
  63. Gets the first characters from a given string.
  64. First Char To Upper
  65. Inserts a string into another string before each occurrence of the specified Character Type.
  66. Is Url Safe Char
  67. Compares two strings, character by character, and returns the first position where the two strings differ from one another.
  68. Returns the last four characters of the string; if null, returns empty string
  69. Returns everything between the start and end chars, exclusive.
  70. Get Russian Char Type
  71. Gets the char in a string from a starting position plus the index
  72. Gets the char in a string at a given position, but counting from right to left
  73. Counts total number of a char or chars in a string
  74. Returns all the locations of a char in a string
  75. Checks string to see whether all characters are digits
  76. Escapes specified string against characters treated specially in string literals. E.g. '"' (quotes) and '\' (backslash).
  77. Is Safe char
  78. Returns the index of the first character that satisfies the given predicate.
  79. Pad the left side of a string with characters to make the total length.
  80. Pad the right side of a string with characters to make the total length.
  81. is Alpha Char
  82. is Numeric Char