Convert base32 string to array of bytes - CSharp System

CSharp examples for System:Converter


Convert base32 string to array of bytes

Demo Code

using System;//w ww  . j  a va 2 m
using System.Text;

namespace SPS.Security.Utilities
    /// <summary>
    /// Class used for conversion between byte array and Base32 notation
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class Base32Helper
        /// <summary>
        /// Size of the regular byte in bits
        /// </summary>
        private const int InByteSize = 8;

        /// <summary>
        /// Size of converted byte in bits
        /// </summary>
        private const int OutByteSize = 5;

        /// <summary>
        /// Alphabet
        /// </summary>
        private const string Base32Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert byte array to Base32 format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bytes">An array of bytes to convert to Base32 format</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string representing byte array</returns>
        public static string ToBase32String(byte[] bytes)
            // Check if byte array is null
            if (bytes == null)
                return null;
            // Check if empty
            else if (bytes.Length == 0)
                return string.Empty;

            // Prepare container for the final value
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * InByteSize / OutByteSize);

            // Position in the input buffer
            int bytesPosition = 0;

            // Offset inside a single byte that <bytesPosition> points to (from left to right)
            // 0 - highest bit, 7 - lowest bit
            int bytesSubPosition = 0;

            // Byte to look up in the dictionary
            byte outputBase32Byte = 0;

            // The number of bits filled in the current output byte
            int outputBase32BytePosition = 0;

            // Iterate through input buffer until we reach past the end of it
            while (bytesPosition < bytes.Length)
                // Calculate the number of bits we can extract out of current input byte to fill missing bits in the output byte
                int bitsAvailableInByte = Math.Min(InByteSize - bytesSubPosition, OutByteSize - outputBase32BytePosition);

                // Make space in the output byte
                outputBase32Byte <<= bitsAvailableInByte;

                // Extract the part of the input byte and move it to the output byte
                outputBase32Byte |= (byte)(bytes[bytesPosition] >> (InByteSize - (bytesSubPosition + bitsAvailableInByte)));

                // Update current sub-byte position
                bytesSubPosition += bitsAvailableInByte;

                // Check overflow
                if (bytesSubPosition >= InByteSize)
                    // Move to the next byte
                    bytesSubPosition = 0;

                // Update current base32 byte completion
                outputBase32BytePosition += bitsAvailableInByte;

                // Check overflow or end of input array
                if (outputBase32BytePosition >= OutByteSize)
                    // Drop the overflow bits
                    outputBase32Byte &= 0x1F;  // 0x1F = 00011111 in binary

                    // Add current Base32 byte and convert it to character

                    // Move to the next byte
                    outputBase32BytePosition = 0;

            // Check if we have a remainder
            if (outputBase32BytePosition > 0)
                // Move to the right bits
                outputBase32Byte <<= (OutByteSize - outputBase32BytePosition);

                // Drop the overflow bits
                outputBase32Byte &= 0x1F;  // 0x1F = 00011111 in binary

                // Add current Base32 byte and convert it to character

            return builder.ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert base32 string to array of bytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="base32String">Base32 string to convert</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a byte array converted from the string</returns>
        public static byte[] FromBase32String(string base32String)
            // Check if string is null
            if (base32String == null)
                return null;
            // Check if empty
            else if (base32String == string.Empty)
                return new byte[0];

            // Convert to upper-case
            string base32StringUpperCase = base32String.ToUpperInvariant();

            // Prepare output byte array
            byte[] outputBytes = new byte[base32StringUpperCase.Length * OutByteSize / InByteSize];

            // Check the size
            if (outputBytes.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Specified string is not valid Base32 format because it doesn't have enough data to construct a complete byte array");

            // Position in the string
            int base32Position = 0;

            // Offset inside the character in the string
            int base32SubPosition = 0;

            // Position within outputBytes array
            int outputBytePosition = 0;

            // The number of bits filled in the current output byte
            int outputByteSubPosition = 0;

            // Normally we would iterate on the input array but in this case we actually iterate on the output array
            // We do it because output array doesn't have overflow bits, while input does and it will cause output array overflow if we don't stop in time
            while (outputBytePosition < outputBytes.Length)
                // Look up current character in the dictionary to convert it to byte
                int currentBase32Byte = Base32Alphabet.IndexOf(base32StringUpperCase[base32Position]);

                // Check if found
                if (currentBase32Byte < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Specified string is not valid Base32 format because character \"{0}\" does not exist in Base32 alphabet", base32String[base32Position]));

                // Calculate the number of bits we can extract out of current input character to fill missing bits in the output byte
                int bitsAvailableInByte = Math.Min(OutByteSize - base32SubPosition, InByteSize - outputByteSubPosition);

                // Make space in the output byte
                outputBytes[outputBytePosition] <<= bitsAvailableInByte;

                // Extract the part of the input character and move it to the output byte
                outputBytes[outputBytePosition] |= (byte)(currentBase32Byte >> (OutByteSize - (base32SubPosition + bitsAvailableInByte)));

                // Update current sub-byte position
                outputByteSubPosition += bitsAvailableInByte;

                // Check overflow
                if (outputByteSubPosition >= InByteSize)
                    // Move to the next byte
                    outputByteSubPosition = 0;

                // Update current base32 byte completion
                base32SubPosition += bitsAvailableInByte;

                // Check overflow or end of input array
                if (base32SubPosition >= OutByteSize)
                    // Move to the next character
                    base32SubPosition = 0;

            return outputBytes;

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