CSharp System DateTime Calculate

CSharp examples for System:DateTime Calculate


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and DateTime Calculate.

  1. Get the date difference
  2. Print Current Date
  3. Get Days Before Birthday
  4. AGe Calculator
  5. Age Calculator which returns byte value
  6. Is Leap Year
  7. Compare the year,month,day of dt1 and dt2
  8. dt1 subtract dt2 to get the month count between them

  9. Calc Age
  10. Date Diff
  11. Gets a DateTime representing midnight on the current date
  12. Gets a DateTime representing noon on the current date
  13. This method returns the Time and Date of the string given.
  14. This method returns true if the Target Date comes AFTER the source Date.
  15. This method returns true if the source Date comes BEFORE the target Date.
  16. Get tomorrow.

  17. Get Dates By Min And Max
  18. Ceiling DateTime
  19. Floor DateTime
  20. To Relative Time Future
  21. To Relative Time Past
  22. To Relative Time Simple
  23. Is lunar Festival
  24. Random Date
  25. Truncate DateTime
  26. Round DateTime value
  27. Gets the future date.
  28. Calculate Time Difference as XXX ago
  29. Round Date Time
  30. Will give you the difference between two dates
  31. Round Down DateTime
  32. Flooring DateTime
  33. Java Long To CSharp DateTime
  34. Calculate Age
  35. Max Of Date Time
  36. Min Of Date Time
  37. Change Time of DateTime
  38. Short Date Value
  39. Is Tomorrow
  40. Date At Midnight
  41. Decade Of Date
  42. A DateTime extension method that query if '@this' is afternoon.
  43. A DateTime extension method that query if 'date' is date equal.
  44. A DateTime extension method that query if '@this' is in the future.
  45. A DateTime extension method that query if '@this' is morning.
  46. A DateTime extension method that query if '@this' is in the past.
  47. A DateTime extension method that query if 'time' is time equal.
  48. After Now DateTime
  49. Before Now DateTime
  50. Get Date
  51. Get Date Time
  52. Get Random Time
  53. Get Standard Date Time
  54. Get System Up Time MS
  55. Is Between DateTime
  56. Print Date
  57. Swap Endianness for int64
  58. Verifies if the object is a date
  59. Is Valid Date
  60. Get Date Key
  61. Returns a DateTime object for the number of ticks
  62. A T extension method to determines whether the object is not equal to any of the provided values.
  63. Determines whether the specified start date is between.
  64. All Dates Between as IEnumerable
  65. Is Within Date Range
  66. Get Relative Date Value
  67. Checks whether a date time is between two date times.
  68. Returns true if the date is between or equal to one of the two values.
  69. Returns the date part of the DateTime structure
  70. Compares the value of this instance to a specified System.DateTime value and returns an integer that indicates whether this instance is earlier than, the same as, or later than the specified System.DateTime value.
  71. Calculates age based on date supplied
  72. Returns the age at the current date.
  73. Compares the date against 1 (after) or 2 (between) dates.
  74. Whether the specified date a value assigned to it
  75. Parse Date Time
  76. Get Culture Independent Date Time
  77. Compare date with date now