CSharp System DateTime Convert

CSharp examples for System:DateTime Convert


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and DateTime Convert.

  1. Hebrew Date, Year, Months, Day
  2. Date To Value
  3. Is Date Type
  4. Convert Unix Time To Date Time
  5. Calc Julian Date Time
  6. Convert a DateTime to a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.
  7. Date To Display string
  8. Returns maximal from two dates.

  9. Returns minimal from two dates.
  10. Converts datetime stored in the object to short date string.
  11. Converts datetime stored in the object to short date and time string.
  12. Convert To Date
  13. Convert To Date Without Null
  14. Convert From Date Integer
  15. Convert To Date Integer
  16. Convert this to integer

  17. Converts long value to Date given an Epoch time
  18. Convert IEnumerable To the separated string.
  19. Convert String To the list.
  20. Converts Java Date to Local Time
  21. Converts a date that is in the user's local time to Pre Time.
  22. Converts a date that is in Time to the user's local time.
  23. Convert Number To Ordinal
  24. Convert a date to a string. If date is null, return a null string.
  25. To Date Time
  26. Date From String
  27. To Relative Date
  28. Returns a new datetime instance, representing a point in time lesser than the current by specified .
  29. Returns a new datetime instance, representing a point in time greater than the current by specified .
  30. To Julian Date
  31. Convert to Csharp Time
  32. Converts the Gregorian date to Umm Al Qura date as int.
  33. Converts the Umm Al Qura date to Gregorian date.
  34. Converts from SqlServer min date to DateTime.MinValue if required.
  35. Convert To ISO Standard Date Time
  36. Converts epoch time representation to DateTime object.
  37. Converts DateTime object to Epoch time.
  38. Converts the specified into a specific kind of time. The actual date and time will remain unchanged.
  39. Converts the specified into an unspecified kind of time. The actual date and time will remain unchanged.
  40. Convert To Long Date
  41. Convert To Short Date
  42. Gets the Maximum value for a DateTime specifying kind.
  43. Gets the Minimum value for a DateTime specifying kind.
  44. String extension method which tries to convert the input string into DateTime representation.
  45. Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its System.DateTime equivalent and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
  46. convert string to a DateTime value if possible.