CSharp System DateTime Day

CSharp examples for System:DateTime Day


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and DateTime Day.

  1. Diff Day
  2. Monday Of Week
  3. Get Date For First Day Of Month
  4. Get Date For Last Day Of Month
  5. Get First Day Of Month
  6. Returns a the first day of the week for a given date.
  7. Returns a the last day of the week for a given date.
  8. Convert Days To Hours

  9. Convert Days To Milliseconds
  10. Convert Days To Minutes
  11. Convert Days To Seconds
  12. Convert Hours To Days
  13. Convert Milliseconds To Days
  14. Convert Minutes To Days
  15. Convert Seconds To Days
  16. Less Then Days

  17. convert day to persian calendar and return
  18. If given object is date, returns date of first day of the week representing by the given date.
  19. If given object is DateTime, returns date of last day of the month.
  20. If given object is date, returns date of last day of the week representing by the given date.
  21. Get Next Business Day
  22. Get Days In Month
  23. Convert date to milliseconds. Asserts : 1 month == 30.4375 days. No overflow verification
  24. Creates a time span object, representing a given number of days.
  25. For a given range of dates decrements starting date by one day down to final date, calling specified action with each iteration.
  26. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the end of current day.
  27. Determines whether specified object represents a Friday day of week.
  28. Determines whether specified object represents a Wednesday day of week.
  29. For a given range of dates increments starting date by one day up to final date, calling specified action with each iteration.
  30. Determines whether specified object represents a Tuesday day of week.
  31. Determines whether specified object represents a Thursday day of week.
  32. Determines whether specified object represents a Sunday day of week.
  33. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the start of day.
  34. Determines whether specified object represents a Saturday day of week.
  35. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the previous day from the current date.
  36. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the next day from the current date.
  37. Determines whether specified object represents a Monday day of week.
  38. Returns a humanized string indicating how long ago something happened, eg "3 days ago". For future dates, returns when this DateTime will occur from DateTime.UtcNow.
  39. Get Last day of Month
  40. Gets First day of Month
  41. Gets End Time Of the Day
  42. Will give you the DateTime object given the number of days you go forward.
  43. Will give you the DateTime object given the number of days you go back.
  44. Business Days To
  45. Is Business Day
  46. Return day of week as integer
  47. first Day Of Month
  48. Get Day Name
  49. Get month Days
  50. First Day Of Week
  51. Days Between Dates
  52. Determines whether the two dates are on the same day.
  53. Returns the last day of the current month.
  54. This method will return an integer representing the number of days between two particular dates passed to a method
  55. Get yesterday.
  56. Returns the first day of the current month.
  57. Get Monday Of This Week
  58. To Day End
  59. To Day Start
  60. End Of Day
  61. Start Of Day
  62. This method returns a two digit day for the date given.
  63. Get Date Time Of Day
  64. Get Number Of Working Day
  65. Is Day Off
  66. Days of TimeSpan
  67. Each Day from a range
  68. Returns a date in the past by days.
  69. Returns a date in the future by days.
  70. Returns a double indicating the number of days between two dates (past is negative)
  71. Given a datetime object, returns the formatted day, "15th"
  72. Checks to see if the date is Saturday or Sunday
  73. The time delta (in days) between the given start and end dates
  74. A DateTime extension method that query if '@this' is today.
  75. Days Between
  76. Previous Day
  77. Next Day
  78. Returns true if the DateTime is within X number of days, false otherwise.
  79. Returns a date in the future or in the past skipping Saturdays and Sundays
  80. Equal Day
  81. Determines whether the specified date is friday.
  82. Determines whether the specified date is monday.
  83. Determines whether the specified date is saturday.
  84. Determines whether the specified date is wednesday.
  85. Determines whether the specified date is tuesday.
  86. Determines whether the specified date is thursday.
  87. Determines whether the specified date is sunday.
  88. Is Working Day
  89. Is Today
  90. Trim Days
  91. Sets the time part to the latest time of the day.
  92. Returns the LAST possible time unit for provided DAY in dateTime
  93. Returns the FIRST possible time unit for provided DAY in dateTime (Same as DateTime.Date)
  94. Is Time This Day
  95. Is Multi Day
  96. Days Count
  97. Gets the start time of yesterday
  98. Get start time of tomorrows day
  99. To Days Ago
  100. Total Days Ago
  101. Gets the number of days in the time frame specified based on the date
  102. Gets the number of days left in the time frame specified based on the date
  103. Is Same Day
  104. Set To Begin Of Day
  105. Set To End Of Day
  106. Gets the age based on Birthday.
  107. First tick of the day.
  108. Last tick of the day.
  109. Sundays the date.
  110. Gets the end of day.
  111. To End Of Day
  112. To Start Of Day
  113. Gets the start and end dates for "last 3 days" date-range, relative to a specified date.
  114. Gets the start and end dates for "last 7 days" date-range, relative to a specified date.
  115. Gets the start and end dates for "last 30 days" date-range, relative to a specified date.
  116. Get Next Monday
  117. Add Days
  118. Discard Day Time
  119. Same Day
  120. Get Day End
  121. Get Day Start
  122. Get Last Friday
  123. Given a Calendar, return the number of days since 18991231.