CSharp System DateTime Year

CSharp examples for System:DateTime Year


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and DateTime Year.

  1. Get the number of sub-parts for a certain time unit (e.g. 12 months for a given year).
  2. Returns first day of the previous year.
  3. Returns first day of the year.
  4. Returns last day of the previous year.
  5. Returns last day of the year.
  6. Is Leap Year
  7. get datetime day month year format
  8. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the end of current year.

  9. Determines whether two object instances represent the same date (have same year/month/day values).
  10. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the start of year.
  11. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the previous year from the current date.
  12. For a given datetime instance returns a new datetime, representing the next year from the current date.
  13. To Month Year
  14. First Date Of Year
  15. Last Date Of Year
  16. Days From Beginning Of Year Till

  17. Calculates the years of service
  18. Finds the first day of year of the specified day.
  19. Returns an indication whether the year passed as method parameter is a leap year
  20. Finds the last day of the year for the selected day's year.
  21. Get Week Of Year
  22. To Year End
  23. To Year Start
  24. This method returns date at the end of the month. The year used to return the start date and end date The month to return the start date and end date
  25. Year Of First Day
  26. Year Of Last Day
  27. Get Iso Week Of Year
  28. Method for getting previous year
  29. DateTime From Year Month Day
  30. Get Date From Day Of Year
  31. To String Year First
  32. Get Hijri Year
  33. Gets the Umm Al Qura Year.
  34. The time delta (in years) between the given start and end dates
  35. A DateTime extension method that return a DateTime of the last day of the year with the time set to "23:59:59:999". The last moment of the last day of the year. Use "DateTime2" column type in sql to keep the precision.
  36. Days In Year
  37. Last Day Of Year
  38. First Day Of Year
  39. Years Between
  40. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in April in the specified year.
  41. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in September in the specified year.
  42. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in October in the specified year.
  43. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in November in the specified year.
  44. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in May in the specified year.
  45. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in March in the specified year.
  46. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in June in the specified year.
  47. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in July in the specified year.
  48. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in January in the specified year.
  49. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in February in the specified year.
  50. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in December in the specified year.
  51. Returns a DateTime representing the specified day in August in the specified year.
  52. returns how long something took in years, months, or days
  53. Start Of Year
  54. Returns the LAST possible time unit for provided YEAR in dateTime
  55. Returns the FIRST possible time unit for provided YEAR in dateTime
  56. Get Short Year
  57. The days in year.
  58. Calculate Age in years based on provided DateTime
  59. To Year Month Day Format
  60. The total years.
  61. Add Years
  62. Compare Year Month
  63. Age In Years
  64. Round To Year
  65. To Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Format