CSharp System String Strip

CSharp examples for System:String Strip


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and String Strip.

  1. Strip Newlines
  2. Strip Spaces
  3. Strip XML
  4. Chops a line at a word boundary at or before .
  5. Chops a line at a word boundary at or before , adding ellipsis at the end if it was chopped.
  6. Trim left spaces of StringBuilder
  7. Pads a string making it always the provided length. Trims if string is too long.
  8. Trim Start

  9. Trim End
  10. Trim String
  11. Trims the start.
  12. Trims the string or returns empty string if the value is null
  13. Trims the string or returns null string if the value is empty
  14. Trim Verbatim String
  15. Removes the indicated character from the stringbuilder object
  16. Remove Char

  17. Removes blank lines from the beginning of the string..
  18. Removes the specified text from end of the string if it exists.
  19. Removes if starts with.
  20. Remove New Lines And Spaces
  21. Removes all carriage returns and line feeds from a string.
  22. Removes duplicate character strings (adjoining replication) in a string.
  23. Removes all invalid file name characters (\ : * ? " < > |) from a string.
  24. Removes the terminator ('\0') from a null terminated string.
  25. Removes all white space (as defined by IsWhiteSpace) from a string.
  26. Removes the a given prefix once from a string but only if the string starts with the prefix.
  27. Remove Diacritics
  28. Remove Accent
  29. Remove extra white space
  30. Removes accents from a string.
  31. Remove Special Characters
  32. Removes the leading zeros.
  33. Remove Control Codes
  34. Remove Non Ascii And Control Characters
  35. Remove whitespace chars.
  36. Remove Vowels from String
  37. Remove Http from URL String
  38. Remove a comment in a string
  39. Remove the specified string.
  40. Remove First Symbol If Exists
  41. Remove Last Symbol If Exists
  42. Remove Dangerous Chars