Ensuring a Value Is an E-mail Address or URL - HTML CSS HTML Tag

HTML CSS examples for HTML Tag:input


The email and url types of the input element ensure that the user has entered a valid e-mail address or fully qualified URL, respectively.

Using the pattern Attribute with the email input Element Type

Demo Code

ResultView the demo in separate window

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <form method="post" action="http://example.com/form"> 
         <input type="hidden" name="recordID" value="1234"> 
            <label for="name">
                Name: <!--   ww w  . j  a v  a  2  s.  co  m-->
               <input type="text" id="name" name="name" pattern="^.* .*$"> 
            <label for="password">
               <input type="password" placeholder="Min 6 characters" id="password" name="password"> 
            <label for="email">
               <input type="email" placeholder="user@mydomain.com" required pattern=".*@mydomain.com$" id="email" name="email"> 
         <input type="submit" value="Submit"> 

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