Download algorithms-1.10.jar file - Jar a

Jar examples for a:algorithms


This module defines the interface for AlignmentAlgorithms as well as some helper classes. An AlignmentAlgorithm computes an alignment of two given input sequences, given an AlignmentSpecification. An AlignmentSpecification in turn is a vector of Comparators (refer to the respective module for more information), such that the distance between two elements of the input sequences can be computed. In that sense all an AlignmentAlgorithm has to do is to implement the computation of an Alignment, under the assumption that a distance between sequence elements is given as the weighted sum of comparator distances, as specified in the AlignmentSpecification. An AlignmentAlgorithm does not need to calculate just a real-valued distance between the input sequences but may also provide additional information about the alignment in order to calculate a derivative. To store such additional information this module contains the AlignmentDerivativeAlgorithm. A usual implementation of this is classic backtracing, which can be stored in an AlignmentPath object. If an AlignmentAlgorithm returns several possible AlignmentPaths, they can be stored in the PathList or PathMap datastructure. To make an alignment distance differentiable, we usually employ the Softmin approximation of the strict minimum. A standard implementation is provided in the Softmin class. For faster (parallel) computation of many different alignments or derivatives we also provide the ParallelProcessingEngine, the ParallelDerivativeEngine and the ParallelWeightDerivativeEngine.

You can download jar file algorithms 1.10 in this page.


The GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3

Build File

You can use the following script to add algorithms-1.10.jar to your project.

compile group: 'com.imsweb', name: 'algorithms', version: '1.10'
libraryDependencies += "com.imsweb" % "algorithms" % "1.10"
<dependency org="com.imsweb" name="algorithms" rev="1.10"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='com.imsweb', module='algorithms', version='1.10'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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