Download beigesoft-settings-1.1.5.jar file - Jar b

Jar examples for b:beigesoft-settings


It helps to quickly make settings for class and its fields of with properties XML. Instead of create a lot of files to describe every class and its fields it use describing by type, by name. E.g. setting "java.lang.Integer"-"INTEGER NOT NULL" will be assigned for every field of this type. Of course it can be overridden by settings for field name and so on. It is used by beige-web to describe how to render an entity and convert from HTML value. It is used by beige-orm to describe how to map an entity to a DBMS. It make simple settings - Map<String, String>, e.g. "title"-"Beige ORM 1.1", class settings Map<String, Map<String, String>>, e.g. "org.model.Customer"-["defaultOrder"-"ITSNAME", "wdgFilterOrder"-"filterOrderStd"], fields settings Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>, e.g. "org.model.Customer"-["itsId"["wdgNew"-"null", "wdgFilter"-"filterNumber"]]

You can download jar file beigesoft-settings 1.1.5 in this page.


GNU General Public License version 2

Build File

You can use the following script to add beigesoft-settings-1.1.5.jar to your project.

compile group: 'org.beigesoft', name: 'beigesoft-settings', version: '1.1.5'
libraryDependencies += "org.beigesoft" % "beigesoft-settings" % "1.1.5"
<dependency org="org.beigesoft" name="beigesoft-settings" rev="1.1.5"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='org.beigesoft', module='beigesoft-settings', version='1.1.5'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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