Download excalibur-sourceresolve-2.1.jar file - Jar e

Jar examples for e:excalibur-sourceresolve


A very common problem is resolving a source, which means finding a source using a URI. The source resolver of Avalon Excalibur is a component helping you in this task. It resolves sources from a given URI. The URI can use all available protocols of the JRE. In addition own protocols can be plugged-in. So using the standard protocols like HTTP, FTP or file can be handled in the same way, like dealing with custom, self-build protocols such as myxmldatabase://root/documents/test.xml.

You can download jar file excalibur-sourceresolve 2.1 in this page.


Apache License

Build File

You can use the following script to add excalibur-sourceresolve-2.1.jar to your project.

compile group: 'excalibur-sourceresolve', name: 'excalibur-sourceresolve', version: '2.1'
libraryDependencies += "excalibur-sourceresolve" % "excalibur-sourceresolve" % "2.1"
<dependency org="excalibur-sourceresolve" name="excalibur-sourceresolve" rev="2.1"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='excalibur-sourceresolve', module='excalibur-sourceresolve', version='2.1'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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