Download libavcodec-4.0.0.jar file - Jar l

Jar examples for l:libavcodec


The libavcodec library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation.

You can download jar file libavcodec 4.0.0 in this page.

Build File

You can use the following script to add libavcodec-4.0.0.jar to your project.

compile group: 'com.tagtraum', name: 'libavcodec', version: '4.0.0'
libraryDependencies += "com.tagtraum" % "libavcodec" % "4.0.0"
<dependency org="com.tagtraum" name="libavcodec" rev="4.0.0"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='com.tagtraum', module='libavcodec', version='4.0.0'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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