Download registry-3.3.0-v20070522.jar file - Jar r

Jar examples for r:registry


The Eclipse extension registry allows bundles to communicate and cooperate using declarative markup and lazy instantiation. The extension mechanism is similar to OSGi services and declarative services but has some different contractual and management characteristics.

You can download jar file registry 3.3.0-v20070522 in this page.


GNU General Public License, version 3

Build File

You can use the following script to add registry-3.3.0-v20070522.jar to your project.

compile group: 'org.eclipse.equinox', name: 'registry', version: '3.3.0-v20070522'
libraryDependencies += "org.eclipse.equinox" % "registry" % "3.3.0-v20070522"
<dependency org="org.eclipse.equinox" name="registry" rev="3.3.0-v20070522"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='org.eclipse.equinox', module='registry', version='3.3.0-v20070522'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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