Download stringtemplate-3.2.1.jar file - Jar s

Jar examples for s:stringtemplate


StringTemplate is a java template engine for generating source code, web pages, emails, or any other formatted text output. StringTemplate is particularly good at multi-targeted code generators, multiple site skins, and internationalization/localization. It evolved over years of effort developing StringTemplate also generates the stringtemplate website: and powers the ANTLR v3 code generator. Its distinguishing characteristic is that unlike other engines, it strictly enforces model-view separation. Strict separation makes websites and code generators more flexible and maintainable; it also provides an excellent defense against malicious template authors. There are currently about 600 StringTemplate source downloads a month.

You can download jar file stringtemplate 3.2.1 in this page.


BSD licence

Build File

You can use the following script to add stringtemplate-3.2.1.jar to your project.

compile group: 'org.antlr', name: 'stringtemplate', version: '3.2.1'
libraryDependencies += "org.antlr" % "stringtemplate" % "3.2.1"
<dependency org="org.antlr" name="stringtemplate" rev="3.2.1"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='org.antlr', module='stringtemplate', version='3.2.1'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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